
  • News
  • New Release
  • New Feature - Video Research is available on Android app now!

New Feature - Video Research is available on Android app now!

Hello Research members!

We're excited to announce the launch of a new feature in our Android mobile apps - Video Research! This exciting addition offers daily and monthly missions, giving you more opportunities to earn points.
Video Research Missions 
Daily Mission - Earn 3 points per day! Check the details here
Monthly Mission - Earn 300 points per month! Check the details here


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Here's a quick rundown on how to join Video Research:

  1. Download the latest app version from the Google Play Store.
  2. Find the "Video Research" tab under the points section or in the "My Account" menu.
  3. Register using the same email address as your Research account.
  4. Complete a survey to determine your eligibility.
  5. If eligible, follow the app's instructions to finish setup.
  6. Enable accessibility services and allow background usage to complete missions and accumulate points.
  7. Stay updated on any research changes through announcements.

Please check our FAQ for more details about Video Research. Link to FAQ
If you have other queries not covered by our FAQ, please contact us through the inquiry box. Link to Inquiry